Lime green seldom appears naturally. However, under certain circumstances, natural things can be turned into the most unnatural of colors. The Chernobyl Sunrise Elegance Coral (Catalaphyllia jardinei), originally a normal species of Elegance Coral, was turned an unnatural color after the tragedy of Chernobyl.
Limes are probably the most obvious example of the color lime green in nature, as this hue of green was named after them.
Kiwis, also called Kiwifruit (to differentiate between the fruit and the animal, also called kiwis) and Chinese
gooseberries, are also a similar shade of green to limes. They also come in gold.
Moths and butterflies, as well as many other bugs, are known to be extremely colorful and come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and the Chinese moon moth is no different. Male Chinese moon moths, also called Chinese luna moths (as they are in the same family as Luna moths), are naturally very brightly colored, partially lime green and partially pale pink with a yellow body and primarily pink legs.